17,000 Square Feet
Cleveland, Ohio
Architecture & Interior Design
DVA Architecture provided architectural design services for the $7.2 million multi-phase laboratory renovation within Cleveland State University's SI and SR buildings. Phase II includes multi-functional classrooms, instructional laboratory spaces, and swing spaces to support Biology and Organic Chemistry. Our design team renovated several research laboratory spaces and created a new home for CSU’s Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD) program, which brings together 14 full-time faculty members and represents three departments in the College of Sciences and Health Professions.
DVA Architecture worked with the Office of the University Architect, College of Sciences and Health Professions, and University administration in the development of the POR. Aging infrastructure was modernized for compliance with safety codes, existing walls were reconfigured, and the spaces now feature state-of-the-art technology, new laboratory casework, fume hoods, and furnishings.